Please see our calendar for all of our programs! You can also print monthly calendars, below.
Unless otherwise noted, programs are held at the Library, 700 Lincoln Ave., or the Discovery Center, 504 East Main St. Remember, all of our activities & events are free to the public.
Weekly Programs
Story Time Monday 10:30 @ LPL: Stories, crafts & sensory play for kids ages 0-5
Pokemon 3-5pm @ LPL: Kids aged 6 and up are welcome to come play Pokemon, trade cards, and other Pokemon-themed activities.
Teen Dungeons & Dragons 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 3-5pm @ LPL: Tabletop gaming for all experience levels for teens aged 13-17
Story Time Wednesday 10:30 @ Discovery Center: Outdoors while the weather holds; stories and sensory play for kids aged 0-5
If Louisville City Schools does not have classes that day, we will also offer Sibling Shenanigans at the same time, 10:30 @ Discovery Center. The school-aged kids will have age-appropriate fun with technology, activities and crafts, just for them, while their little sibs enjoy Story Time. Everyone wins!
Adult Crafting 6pm @ LPL: Crafting, chocolate and coffee for adults aged 18+ Please register for each week's craft
NEW Adult Programs Thursdays 10:30am-12pm @ LPL for adults aged 18+. All programs are "open house" style, so come when you like and leave when you're ready!
What Are You Reading? BYOB Book Club every 1st Thursday of the month: No assigned reading, just come to discuss what you’re reading now, and maybe get some recommendations. Light refreshments will be served.
Crafters Unite! every 2nd Thursday of the month: Bring your current project. You can talk about what you’re working on if you like, or just hang out and enjoy tea and cookies while you work.
Coloring for Adults every 3rd Thursday of the month: We’ll provide plenty of coloring materials for a soothing morning of coloring, light refreshments, and, if you choose, amiable discourse.
In Quiet Company: An Introvert’s Social Hour every 4th Thursday of the month: Come hang out with other introverts, with light refreshments. Interact as much or as little as you like. Quiet amusements will also be provided.
Two programs at once for teens! 3-5pm @ LPL for Teens aged 13-17
Snacks and all materials are provided. Feel free to bounce between the two!
Game On! in the meeting room: Couch co-op or player-versus-player video gaming on the Switch game consoles. Feel free to bring your own console and games! Some special themed days:
November 7: Game On! Unplugged: Scavenger hunt, board games and edible pancake art!
December 19: Reindeer Games: Follow the map, play minigames, collect tokens to win a prize.
Teen Chill in the Quiet Study area: Hang out and pursue quiet activities.
Adult Chair Yoga 10am @ Discovery Center: Relax and stretch while practicing yoga in the safety of a chair. All skill levels are welcome, and we never judge. Adults 18+
Monthly Programs
Painting with Bob Ross (2nd Monday) Watch a video of Bob Ross and paint along! All materials are included for free. Registration opens at 8am on the first of the month, and the event is on the second Monday. **Registration Required**
Most Delicious Book Club Ever! (last Monday of the month) Bring a dish (and its recipe) to share, based on that month’s theme. Sometimes there will be a presentation based on the theme.
Teens After Hours 7:30-9pm @ LPL Teens 13-18 only, after the library closes (ok, a few cool-ish librarians, too) doing stuff you would not normally do at the library. Join us for free fun and snacks.
New Year Glow Party January 28, 2025: Get your glow on and celebrate what will undoubtedly be a very good year! Includes glow sticks, black light elements and glow putt putt–IN THE LIBRARY.