StarkFresh Seed Library Coming Soon!

The Louisville Public library and StarkFresh present the seed Library March 1 through May 31, 2022


Our seed Library displayIt's nearly planting time in Ohio again! 

StarkFresh is handing out free seeds, and the Louisville Public Library will once again be a distribution site.  Here's how the program works:  At the end of the planting season, retailers gather up their unsold seeds.  Normally, these seeds are destroyed, but thanks to StarkFresh, they are collected, stored for nine months, and distributed to the public for free the next planting season.  

StarkFresh's Vision






Get your requests in now!  Let us know what seeds you would like and we will put a collection together for you, while supplies last.  We'll also have grab bags of vegetable and flower seeds available.  These can be picked up March 10 when we open in the new building at 1600 S Nickelplate!  Our card catalog will also be stocked with seeds if you prefer to look through them on your own.  We can't guarantee what seeds we'll receive or how long the inventory will last, but we will advertise on our Facebook page if we receive more seeds later in the season.  Paper forms for requests are also available at the Library until we close for the move on February 24.  

Happy planting!  

sprouting seed conga line